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Health Care Reform
On Oct. 29, the U.S. House of Representatives released the legislative text of the Affordable Health Care for America Act (H.R. 3962). On the plus side, the bill contains the CLASS provisions that we’re fighting for, along with an intriguing $6 billion authorized over the next few years for nursing homes with Medicare and Medicaid dually-eligible residents which also meet certain quality requirements. The bill codifies the improvement in Medicare reimbursement for non-therapy ancillaries, which will tend to benefit not-for-profit skilled nursing facilities (SNFs).Housing Reform
Michelle Norris from National Church Residences did a terrific job on Thursday, testifying before the Senate Banking Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation and Community Development. Her testimony highlighted how our Section 202 reform bill (S. 118) would streamline senior housing development and preservation, combine affordable housing with supportive services and bring the program into the 21st century. Several senators who heard her statement will be instrumental in moving this legislation forward.Housing and HCBS Appropriations
Our spending bills are still hanging fire. The Transportation/HUD conference report hasn’t been finalized – one rumor has it that House-Senate conferees cannot agree on provisions that would restrict passengers from carrying firearms on Amtrak trains. But we are hopeful that a conference agreement will soon be ready for a final vote in the House and Senate.Read More
We are less optimistic about the Labor/HHS bill that funds Older Americans Act programs, since the bill hasn’t pass Congress on a stand-alone basis in recent memory. We are working to lock in the funding gains passed by the House in July into whatever omnibus spending bill or continuing resolution Congress may pass in December.
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