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The Veterans’ Benefits Improvement Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-389) mandated that GAO evaluate the Department of Veterans Affairs VA training for disability claims processors. This report answers the following two questions: (1) How appropriate is the training provided to experienced disability claims processors? (2) How adequate is the Veterans Benefits Administration’s (VBA) monitoring and assessment of this training? To address these questions, GAO conducted a web-based survey of a nationally representative sample of claims processors, interviewed VBA headquarters and regional office officials, and reviewed VBA training material, relevant federal statutes, regulations, and court cases.
What GAO Recommends
GAO recommends that VBA (1) adopt procedures for routinely monitoring and ensuring compliance with annual training requirements, including more fully using its available electronic data to ensure that training requirements are met, (2) develop clear written guidance on the types of activities all regional offices should and should not count toward completion of annual training requirements, and (3) develop and implement a written strategy for routinely assessing the appropriateness of the training regional offices provide to experienced claims processors.
In its comments, VA generally concurred with GAO’s conclusions and concurred with all of GAO’s recommendations.
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