Thursday, October 29, 2009

Alzheimer's - Choose Life Over Dementia

by Leah on OurAlzheimer'

You are not alone. You are not going crazy. You are not losing it...well, maybe a little...but not all at once. There's still time to be YOU to live a full life.

Dementia is a diagnosis. A tragic one, to say the least. But it does NOT have to be When I received my diagnosis, I was devastated. Newly married, I was beside myself with grief and uncertainty. I didn't want to put my husband through what I thought would be instantaneous "daffiness". My first reaction was to offer him an out...a he wouldn't have to go down this path with me. Luckily, he refused... This first hysterical reaction upon facing my diagnosis lasted but a short time. It was followed by a period of denial...I was going to be just fine. I would fight it. Nothing would change. Dementia wasn't going to get me!
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