Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Disabled rip Detroit transit service |The Detroit News

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by Leonard N. Fleming / The Detroit News

For years, Rosalind Shaw was comfortable using the city's para-transit service. On most days, the 46-year-old visually impaired woman said she was picked up by drivers who were on time and sensitive to her disability.

But with an ongoing contract dispute with its one-time sole para-transit service provider, the city hired others ranging from taxicabs to van services. That's when Shaw said she saw a difference in service -- drivers who tended to be rude, unfamiliar and unrecognizable vans picking her up and dropping her off, and problems scheduling rides over the phone.

"My thing is (the city) could have done that transition a whole lot better because so many of us were in the dark," Shaw said.

Armed with complaints from Detroiters like Shaw, advocates for the disabled and seniors are gearing up for a battle with the Bing administration to pressure it into resolving its problems with Veolia Transportation, which has sued the city in federal court for breach of contract and to recoup $5.4 million.

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