Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stillwater Gazette - Having her voice heard: Karly Wahlin doesn't let disability stand in the way of her ability to create

By Stephanie Foreman

"I never knew that people would be interested in what I have to say, so it has surprised me so much to be heard," Karly Wahlin says.

Karly lives with Rett Syndrome, a developmental disorder occurring primarily in women. She is one of very few women with the disorder who can communicate, which she does by typing.

And her "voice" is now part of an advisory committee for Art St. Croix, an organization providing opportunities in the arts for area residents with disabilities. Karly says she appreciates this rare chance to be a part of the community dialogue.

"Through my involvement with this committee, I hope others who are disabled will be included and seen as valuable," Karly said.
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